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Cerebal Function Moitoring
CFM – Unique
Cerebral Function Monitoring (also known as aEEG or CFAM) has been used in the diagnosis of brain injury for many years. The Unique CFM from Inspiration Healthcare takes this tried and tested clinical application to the next level with features that a modern Intensive Care facility needs as standard on equipment.
Single or Dual Channel aEEG
In many situations single channel aEEG is more than adequate to determine the level of injury to the brain, however, in other circumstances, a second channel would help. This can be especially useful with seizure detection in the newborn, and becomes even more important when combined with Video synchronised to the trace. Video software allows the medical staff to review physical movements at the same time as the changes in electrical activity in the brain.
• User choice of 1 or 2 channels of aEEG
• Online report writing
• Real time display of aEEG and EEG
• Spectral Analysis
• Optional synchronised Video facility
• Insertion of Markers to aid later review
• Battery powered lightweight amplifier ideal for portable applications
• Connects to any PC via Bluetooth
• Password protected set-up allows changes of filters/speeds and alarms for research purposes
• Up to 4 patients monitored and displayed on one screen
• Reviewing requires no additional software – auto-executable files open on any PC
• High Amplitude alarm to highlight unusual activity
Unique CFM – Brochure [pdf 450k]
Tecotherm Unique CFM Consumables and Acessories [pdf 265k]